
The Highfields Curriculum:

The key to a great quality education

Our curriculum is underpinned and shaped by our Core Purpose:

To be an inclusive, happy community that values every individual and inspires them to achieve their full potential

Our ambitious curriculum Intent:  A curriculum which engages and inspires so that all students enjoy a great education.

The curriculum is everything – it is the sum of the whole student experience. It is not solely about qualifications and courses, though these play a vital role at its heart. Our curriculum must be broad and bold, ambitious and rich, in order to meet our core aim of inspiring every individual to be the best they can be.

The Highfields curriculum is designed to engage and challenge all students to achieve their fabulous potential.  We aim to inspire confident, considerate, knowledgeable and creative young people, who enjoy and appreciate the value of learning.  We seek to develop young people who are equipped to live happy and fulfilling lives in a dynamic and rapidly changing world.  Highfields students should be ready to make positive contributions as responsible citizens within our vibrant and diverse society.

For more information on our curriculum, please contact Mr P. Cole at

Curriculum Benchmarks

The curriculum is at the heart of all we do.  Our updated Key Stage 3 Curriculum booklet outlines what our students learn, when they learn it and how it is assessed through years 7 to 9.  Detailed statements of what we want our students to know, understand and be able to do in each subject in these years are set out in our benchmark statements below:

The 5 R’s

The 5 R’s aims to establish Highfields Learners to be more responsible, more resilient, use reasoning, be reflective and be resourceful. The image on the right shows how students can aim to improve their learning under the 5 R’s.

If you are struggling to view any of the images, please click on them to enlarge them.

5R’s Heroes

In Years 7 and 8, students are given ‘Highfields Hero cards’. These are signed by members of teaching staff when students display the qualities or learning skills required in any of the 5Rs.

The below posters are used at Lower Site to aid in the promotion of the 5R’s and Highfields Heroes scheme.

The 5Rs