Work Experience and Careers

Careers Education at Highfields School

We aim to enable our students to learn about the world outside and beyond school, so that they are aware of the opportunities open to them. We also aim to support our students in developing a range of skills, which will enable them to make the transition from school into the next phase of their lives. We recognise that guidance should be provided that is in the best interests of the young person, is presented in an impartial manner and that good careers guidance is distinctive to the needs of individual pupils.

Careers Education is delivered through PSHE in Years 7-11 and form time activities at Post 16, through Enrichment Days, tutor time, assemblies, information evenings and sessions/events with visitors. The curriculum is also seen as an opportunity for all teachers to link curriculum learning with careers.

The planned programme of activities enables our students to gain the knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and attributes required to make informed choices about their 14-19 pathways and to enable them to manage their careers and sustain employment throughout their lives. This will take into account each student’s abilities, needs and preferences.

Our Careers Leader is Mr J. Searson and our Careers Manager is Mrs K. Bromwich. We also have independent Careers Advisors that work in school from Ideas4Careers

Work Experience 2025

Year 10

We are planning work experience opportunities to take place for one week between 30th June and 4th July. Please see the documents below for guidance on applying for a placement.

Parent Guide

Unifrog Guide

Contacting Employers example letter

Contacting Employers template letter

Year 12

Students to discuss any work experience opportunities with the sixth form team.  Y12 work experience can be undertaken in the last week of the summer term (week commencing 16th June).

 Y11 Mock Interview

Each year we provide the opportunity for all of Y11 students to engage with local employers through a mock interview experience and CV preparation.

Careers Advice

We have an experienced independent careers advisor who provides students with the advice they require. Students are given individual help at each stage, from choosing their subjects in Year 9 to post-school destinations. Guidance and help are provided by the Careers Advisor, Careers Coordinator, Personal Tutors, Heads of Year and Work Experience Department. The Careers Advisor works with school to ensure that every young person receives a level of support according to his or her needs. This includes guiding students as they move on to college or apprenticeships and giving advice and help to students who are facing difficulties with decision making, whether about personal choices or future careers. We hope that parents will also be closely involved in this process.

Finding Work Experience and Apprenticeships

Amazing Apprenticeships – Higher and Degree Apprenticeship Vacancy Listings for October 2024

Amazing Apprenticeships – Amazing Employers

Buxton and Leek College – Apprenticeships

Chesterfield College – Apprenticeships and Training

Remit deliver Apprenticeships and Advanced Apprenticeship training in Automotive, IT, Food & Hospitality, Passenger Transport and Business & Administration.

Higher Education

Careers and Apprenticeship Information
