Mental Health


  • 20% of adolescents may experience a mental health problem in any given year.
  • 50% of mental health problems are established by age 14 and 75% by age 24.
  • 10% of children and young people (aged 5-16 years) have a clinically diagnosable mental problem, yet 70% of children and adolescents who experience mental health problems have not had appropriate interventions at a sufficiently early age.
  • Approximately 68% of women and 57% of men with mental health problems are parents.(Mental Health Foundation, 2019)

Supporting Positive Mental Health in School

Highfields School is committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of all of its students. Highfields School has a dedicated Family Support Team to address, and support, the needs of our most vulnerable students and families, in conjunction with the school’s Pastoral Care Team. The Family Support Team does not replace Social Care or clinical mental health support.

There are many agencies and organisations who we can turn to when we are struggling. It is also important that we look to ourselves and our own lifestyles to see if we can make any changes which would improve our mental health. Our sleep patterns, food and drink consumption, and exercise can all have an impact on our mental health.

To encourage and support our school community in developing and maintaining positive emotional health, we have compiled a directory of organisations and advice on self-help. We hope that this will help our students, parents, carers and staff in taking a proactive approach to taking good care of their wellbeing. The range of links and resources outlined at the bottom of this page are by no means exhaustive.

Emergency Contacts

If you feel that a child or young person is at risk of harm then please call Starting Point on 01629533190.

If you feel that you, or a child, are in immediate danger then please call Emergency Services on 999

If you would like to contact the police local to where you live to report a non-emergency then please call 101.

If you have an urgent medical need and you are not sure what to do then please call 111 for advice.

What all Students Receive

  • PSHE lessons in year 7 to 10 (year 11 from 23rd September) which cover wellbeing and positive mental health.
  • A wellbeing questionnaire three times a year.
  • A KOOTH account which will be set up during PSHE lessons.
  • Access to the school nurse through Chat Health.
  • Form time discussions in SMSC.
  • Safeguarding assemblies signposting support such as Childline and Samaritans.
  • Wellbeing teaching in PE lessons (Head, Heart, Hands)
  • LGBTQ+ club.
  • Access to support from the 6th form Mental Health Ambassadors.

Targeted Support within School

  • Targeted Changing Lives sessions – last academic year current year 9’s did work around transition supported by Derby Football Club.
  • Since September, we’ve had a targeted year 7 and 8 session around worry and a year 13 session around exam stress.
  • Check-ins by the pastoral team.
  • Mentoring from Mr Briddon, our Inclusion Manager.
  • 6th Formers trained Mental Health Ambassadors (Trained in CBT)
  • Youth Sport Trust targeted groups led by PE staff. Year 7 and 9 ORTUS, Year 6 to 8 Active in Mind, Year 7 and 8 Boys Move, Year 7 to 13 This Girl Can, Year 9 to 11 Health Ambassadors.
  • Wellbeing groups led by our Family Support Workers.
  • Shine project for years 7 and 8.
  • Year 7 and 8 Tough Enough to Care sports sessions led by wrestling coach starting June 2023.

External Support

This section includes referrals made by professionals such as GP’s, social workers or school pastoral staff. School will only know about this support if parents/carers give consent for education to be informed. These session can take place in school, a hospital or another specialist setting.

  • One-to-one support from one of our family support workers.
  • Support including family therapy from Changing Lives Compass who work with students with low to medium level mental health concerns such as anxiety or low mood.
  • CAHMS support including family therapy for high level needs such as depression and eating disorders. CAHMS also has an Intensive Treatment team.
  • One-to-one support from the school nurse.
  • SV2 (Counselling around sexual violence)
  • Space4U – support for students who have a family member who is an addict.
  • Crossroads / Elm Foundation who work around domestic violence and controlling behaviours.
  • Referral to bereavement services such as Cruse.
  • Action for Children or Stop It Now support around worrying sexual behaviours.

Further Support

Adoption Support

Adoption East Midlands

If you’d like to talk about anything about adoption please tel: 01629 533190. Your details will be taken and an adoption worker will call you back.

If there is a serious issue about the safety or wellbeing of your child or if you are facing an imminent family breakdown, Call Derbyshire will contact your local area children’s team to try to get you the help you need as soon as possible, tel: 01629 533190.

Adoption Matters

Adult Mental Health

Talking Mental Health

Trent PTS

Alcohol and Drug Misuse

Derbyshire Recovery Partnership – 01246 206514/ 08453084010

Alcohol Advice

Talk to Frank

Change Grow Live – 01773 303646 (For young people)



SANEline is a national out-of-hours mental health helpline offering specialist emotional support, guidance and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including family, friends and carers. Open every day of the year from 4.30pm to 10.30pm on 0300 304 7000.

Anxiety UK


Self-help techniques Try Stress Management

Bridge Support

Mental Health

Attachment Difficulties



Derbyshire Autism Services Tel: 01773 741 221 Email:

Autism East Midlands or phone: 01909506678



Living well with Autism- 01332301350

CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

Derbyshire- CAMHS North Derbyshire NHS

Chesterfield – 01246 514412 Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Derby City – 0300 790 0264

Belper – 01773 880554

Buxton – 01298 72445

Cancer Services

Health Watch Derbyshire Macmillan

Teens and young people- Macmillan

Citizens Advice Bureau


Phone – 0300 456 8390

Advice Line – 03444111444

Text Relay – 03444111445a


Children’s Continence Team – 01773 546841

School Nursing – 01629 593029


Kooth (For Children and Teens)

Young Minds

Youth Access


16 years +Derbyshire Insight Helathcare 0300 555 5582

Derwent Rural Counselling Service 0800 047 6861

CSE – Child Sexual Exploitation

Safe and Sound Group Phone: 01332 362120

Derbyshire Disability Services Fair Play Fairplay offers a wide range of services to meet the needs of the families. They offer support to children and young people, aged 0-25, and to parents and siblings. 01246 203963

Domestic Abuse

National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247

Derbyshire County Council

Safer Derbyshire 08000 198 668

Crossroads Derbyshire 01457 856675

The Elm Foundation Chesterfield 01246 540464

Eating Disorders

Beat Eating Disorders Helpline 0808 801 0677 Youthline 0808 801 0711

First Step SED Derbyshire 01332 367571

Anorexia Bulemia Care

Freed Beeches

Extremism and Radicalisation


Child Law Advice


Food Bank

Jigsaw – Church in the Peak – 01629 584783

Internet Safety Advice for parents


Internet Matters

Internet Safety Advice for Young People

Safety Net Kids

Mental Health

Derbyshire County Council

Derbyshire Teenage mental health support Stem4


Support for anyone affected by mental illness Heads Together

Time to Change

CAMHS-see above

Mind Wide range of support.

Mental Health

Mengage Male mental health

NHS Self Help Therapies


NHS Self Help Leaflets

Range of downloadable resources MoodJuice

Online Safety and Internet Usage

Safer Internet


Internet Matters

Positive Parenting

Positive Parenting Solutions


Parenting Teens




Supportline 01708 765200

Single Parents


Family Lives


Young people 8-35 years Papyrus UK Hopeline 0800 068 41 41

Samaritans Call 116 123

Young Carers

Derbyshire Carers Phone: 01773 833833

Contact Us

Lower School

Starkholmes Road

T: 01629 584020

Upper School

Upper Lumsdale

T: 01629 581888