Year 7 Applications
Year 7 Applications refers to students currently in year 6 who are applying to join year 7 in September of the following year.
Derbyshire County Council acts as a clearing house for admitting all Derbyshire students to secondary schools and therefore, handles all aspects of the admission application process for Highfields School’s prospective year 7 students.
The Local Authority will contact parents/carers to apply for the preferred secondary school in early September. Applications for year 7 are not processed by Highfields School.
The Local Authority deadline for applications is 31 October. Parents/carers will receive an offer of a secondary school place on 1 March, the national offer day.
Further Information regarding Derbyshire County Council’s admissions can be accessed via their website:
In-Year Applications
In-Year Applications refers to applicants joining year groups after the start of the academic year.
Parents/carers may want to apply for their child to change schools other than when they are due to start secondary education. This could be because of a change of address or other personal reasons. This can be requested at any time of year.
Places for in-year applications are processed by Highfields School. To make an application for an in-year place at Highfields School please click here to complete our Admission Request Form.
Alternatively, please request a paper copy via
Parents/carers will be notified of the outcome of applications within 15 school days.
If parents/carers are unsuccessful in being offered a place at Highfields School they have the right to appeal against this decision to an independent appeals panel. In order to lodge an appeal parents/carers are asked to complete a ‘notice of school admission appeal’ form.
Appeals will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged. Appeals are managed by an independent panel.
Appeals Timeline
Appeals Form
To request a hard copy of the Appeal Form, please contact
Highfields School catchment area
To see if you live in the catchment area or check your approximate distance from the school, please see the normal area map that can be found on Derbyshire County Council’s website.