Student Information

Mobile Phones

The current school policy on mobile phone and music-playing devices is that students are discouraged from bringing these to school, although it is understood that for safety reasons access to a mobile phone is sensible for use before and after school. Highfields School accepts no responsibility for the loss, theft or damage of any mobile phone/music-playing device brought into school by students. Mobile phones must be switched off throughout the school day. When mobile phones and music-playing devices are seen or heard during lesson time/assembly, they will be confiscated and only returned to parents/carers at the end of the school day.


We expect all students to behave in a responsible way at all times in school, on the way to and from school and on any school activity or visit. We ask you to give consideration and thought to others to create a purposeful and pleasant environment where all can feel safe, be happy and work successfully.

You should:

• Arrive on time for school and every lesson, with the right books and equipment.

• Wear the correct school uniform, remembering to take off outdoor wear in classrooms.

• Not chew gum, drop litter or smoke on the school site or on buses.

• Not use ipods or other similar devices except at lunchtimes because they can be disruptive and we cannot accept any responsibility if they are lost, stolen or damaged. This also applies to mobile phones.

• Mobile phones must be switched off throughout the school day, or they will be confiscated and only returned to parents. Mobile phones are only allowed for the safety of students on their way to and from school.

• Not use a mobile phone to listen to music or take photos.

• Not write or draw on desks, tables, walls or notices.

• Show courtesy and respect to staff, visitors and to each other at all times.

• Move about school in a quiet and orderly manner and not run.

• Pay attention during lessons and follow staff instructions without argument.

If you feel you have been unfairly treated then speak respectfully to the teacher or member of staff concerned at the end of the lesson, or to your personal tutor, Head of Year or the Headteacher at the end of the school day.

Reward and Consequences

The documents below explain the behaviour rewards and consequences which Highfields School follows.

Details of Rewards

Details of Consequences

Office for Students

While you are a student at Highfields School, you can download Microsoft Office for free on up to five devices. You will also have access to the free online versions and apps for your phone. The Microsoft Office suite includes Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Teams and OneDrive.

To access the web version, click here and sign in with your school email. To download Office on a personal device use the appropriate link below, select the version or app you need and use your school email when prompted.

Download Office for Computer or Laptop

Download Office Apps on iPhone

Download Office on Android